Stand with UAW!

UAW ends historic strike after reaching tentative deals with Big 3 automakers

UAW ends historic strike after reaching tentative deals with Big 3 automakers ✊

Despite United Auto Workers crucial role in the American economy, their efforts often go unsung.

During the 2008 recession, UAW workers sacrificed crucial benefits and wage increases while the auto industry received billions in government bailouts. Now, the auto industry has recovered, bringing in RECORD profits and the Big Three CEOs have given themselves HUGE, million-dollar raises. Meanwhile, UAW members struggle under the weight of inflation, lose precious time with family, and fear for their job security.

Now auto workers are demanding their fair share!

As of midnight on September 14, the UAW has been forced to historically strike all three companies.

  • It’s wrong to make any worker second class. The Teamsters ended tiers at UPS. Time to abolish tiers at the Big Three. Learn more about two-tier systems here.

    Additionally, temp workers are at the center of this fight. UAW is demanding that temps become full-time in 90 days or less so they can benefit from job protections and benefits

  • UAW is demanding major pay raises and the restoration of COLA (cost of living adjustments). For too long, UAW members sacrificed thriving wages and benefits to keep the industry afloat after the 2008 recession. Big Three workers have lost millions of dollars to inflation since losing COLA in 2007. Meanwhile, The Big Three were given billions in taxpayer bailouts and CEO salaries continue to climb.

    It’s past time UAW workers are made whole. The Big Three can afford it.

  • All workers deserve the retirement security UAW members previously had for generations. Demands include re-establishing retiree medical benefits, increasing retiree pay, and defined benefit pensions for all workers.

  • UAW members work 60, 70, even 80 hours a week just to make ends meet.

    Instead of threatening job security and replacing workers, advancements like automation should make workers lives easier. More time with family, fewer hours with thriving wages, and opportunities for career advancement should be the reality for all UAW members.

    In a recent town hall with Senator Bernie Sanders, UAW members discussed working 12-hour shifts for 90 days straight. Watch here.

  • Just like the Teamsters’ historic contract win at UPS will impact workers at Amazon and FedEx, the UAW has an opportunity to set industry-wide standards, including at new electric vehicle manufacturing plants in states where bad labor laws keep wages and safety standards low.

    As the Big Three plan to ambitiously meet the demands for a green economy by expanding their electric vehicle manufacturing plants they must also commit not to interfere with workers' democratic rights to organize and collectively bargain.

    Read more from the Labor Network for Sustainability here.


